The Catholic Church

The Catholic Church

The history of the Catholic Church begins with the teachings of Jesus Christ and his Twelve Apostles, importantly it is rooted within events known as the Great Commission and the Pentecost. The Great Commission was Jesus Christ’s instruction to his followers to spread the word of his love and teachings all over the earth. Or, as Matthew 28:16 puts it “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.” In a similar manner, the Pentecost refers to the event in which the Holy Spirit came upon the Apostles, instructing them to spread the teachings of God to all people.

In following these instructions, the Catholic Church has become the largest Christian Church in the world, with over 1.29 billion practicing members. It has greatly affected the development of the Western world and its influences can be seen in art, literature, and culture throughout history.

The leader of the Catholic Church is the Pope, also referred to as the Bishop of Rome, who serves as a successor to Saint Peter, the first founder of the church. Currently, Pope Francis leads the church as the 266th Pope, as well as being the first Jesuit Pope and the first Pope from the Americas.

One of the most fundamental teachings of the Catholic Church that can be seen in the world today are the corporeal and spiritual works of mercy that followers of the faith undertake. These works emphasize supporting the sick, giving charity to the poor, and education to the ignorant. As such, the Catholic Church is the largest non-government provider of education and health care in the world.

Though it has many detractors, the Catholic Religion has been a cornerstone of Western development for thousands of years, and will likely continue to be for many more. Western philosophy, art, literature, science, and medicine have all been sponsored and shepherded by the Church. It continues to develop and adapt its viewpoint in order to better guide its followers into the future.

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